When you enter in this website you accept the following legal notes.
All content of this website is for informational purpose only.
In this website, informations about photo, drawings, specifications, dimensions, technical data, performance curves and details on the treated products  such as electric motors, fans, blowers, inverters, accessories, spare parts and more, may be subject to modifications and/or variations at anytime with or without notice.
These informations provide only an introduction and they are not binding. For more information and confirmations is necessary to contact appropriate offices and certain responsible workers of Stiavelli Irio srl.
Stiavelli Irio srl will not be liable for any losses, injuries or damages from the display or use of these informations.

Data Controller
According to the art. 13 of the EU Regulation 2016/679 – General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Data Controller is Stiavelli Irio srl, whose registered office is in Via per il Poggio Secco 46/E, 59100 Prato (PO), Italy.
Processed data and purpose
Personal data provided by the user are processed for:
– Activities connected to the business relationships customers/suppliers/users;
– Information, sales activities and mailing list subscription;
– Supply of goods and services and for the protection of deriving debts;
– Accounting activity (invoice issuing, payment provisions) and eventual data transmission abroad, also to non-EU countries.
Browsing data
IT systems and software procedures related to our website acquire, when operating, personal data whose transmission is implied in the use of internet communication protocols.
This information is collected not to be associated to specific subjects, but by its very nature, could lead to the user identification through processing and association to data owned by third parties.
This category includes IP addresses or names in the computers used by users connecting to the website, URI addresses of the required resources (Uniform Resource Identifier), inquiry time, inquiry submission method, dimension of the file received in reply, numeric code showing the server reply (success, error, etc.) and other parameters related to the operating system and to the IT environment of the user.
The collected data could be used to ascertain responsibility in case of hypothetical computer crimes to the detriment of the website.
Type of cookies
Our website uses only technical cookies, pursuant to art. 122 of the Privacy Law and of the Antitrust Authority’s sentence dated 8th May 2014. It is not necessary for the user to agree.
Our website uses:
– Technical cookies necessary for the multilingual navigation from the user;
– Technical cookies, facilitating user navigation, recognizing it and avoiding that the cookie information is showed again when connecting to the website within the deadline. You can click
“accept” on the banner to activate it; Our website contains links to other websites with their own privacy policy. These privacy policies could be
different from the one adopted by Stiavelli Irio srl.
Except for the technical cookies, strictly necessary to the navigation, the data transmission is referred to the user’s will, who decides to browse in the website, after having accepted the information in the banner and agree with cookie installation.
The user can avoid cookie installation keeping the banner (without clicking “ok” and closing it) and thanks to the functions of his own browser.
Cookie disablement
Without prejudice to what specified above about the cookies necessary for the navigation, the user can disable all the other cookies through the functions of his browser, as showed below.
Every browser has its own procedures for the management of the settings. The user can obtain specific
instructions following the links below.
– Microsoft Windows Explorer
– Google Chrome
– Mozilla Firefox
– Apple Safari
Moreover, the disablement of cookies from third parties is possible through the procedures directly made
available by third party companies for such data processing.
Nature of data transmission
Except for the browsing data, necessary to comply with IT and telecommunication protocols, the transmission of the user’s personal data is necessary to comply with contractual and regulatory obligations: if the user does not transmit his personal data, he can endanger the relationship, since a correct management would not be allowed.
Rights of the data subject
The subject can any time assert the rights, referred to the EU Regulation 2016/679 about Personal Data Protection(GDPR), turning to the data controller, by sending an e-mail to
1. The subject has the right to obtain confirmation of the eventual existence of data concerning him, although still not registered and their transmission in intelligible form.
2. The subject has the right to be informed about:
a) source of the personal data;
b) purpose and processing method;
c) procedures in case the data are processed by electronic instruments;
d) identity of the data controller, people in charge and appointed representative according to Article 5, paragraph 2 of the EU Regulation 2016/679;
e) identity of subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be communicated or who can learn about them as, for example, the appointed representative within the country or people in charge.
3. The subject has the right to obtain:
a) update, amendment or, if interested, integration of the data;
b) erasure, anonymization or blocking of data that have been processed unlawfully, including data whose retention is unnecessary for the purposes for which they have been collected or subsequently processed;
c) certification to the effect that the operations as per letters a) and b) have been notified, as also related to their contents, to the entities of whom or which the data were communicated or disclosed, unless this requirement proves impossible or involves a manifestly disproportionate effort compared with the right that is to be protected.
4. The subject has the right to oppose totally or partially:
a) for legitimate reasons, to the processing of personal data concerning him, even though they are relevant to the purpose of the collection;
b) to the processing of personal data concerning him, with the purpose of sending advertising materials or direct selling or for the performance of market research or commercial communication surveys.
Details about personal data processing
Contact form
Contact forms enable the management of a database of e-mail contacts, used to communicate with the users. Collected personal data: name, surname, company address.
Interaction with social networks e external platforms
These services enable an interaction with social networks or other external platforms, directly from the application’s pages. The interaction and the acquired information are in any case subjected to the privacy settings of the user, related to every social network.
Facebook policy:
Linkedin policy:
Google+ policy:
Salesforce is a platform developed for customer relationship management (CRM), through which we can register, organise and analyse the process starting from lead creation (potential customer) to sales opportunity.
Personal data, such as name, company name, address, phone number and e-mail address and eventual additional information, such as field of activity or number of employees, are stored within the platform.
Such information will not be provided to third parties, but only used to maintain business relationship.
MailChimp is an online e-mail marketing platform to create campaigns and manage the relative reports.
Within the platform, there are different lists, with names and relative e-mail addresses, to which the newsletters are sent. The inserted data will only be used to send commercial communications related to our activity and will not be disclosed to third parties.
Google Analytics – Statistics
Google Analytics is a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google uses the collected personal data to track and analyse the use of this application, fill reports and share them with other services developed by Google. In this website, they enable the data controller to control and analyse traffic data and are useful to track user’s attitude.
Google could use personal data to contextualize and customize advertisements of the advertising network.
Collected personal data: cookies and data usage.
Processing location: USA – Privacy Policy ( – Opt Out
( )
Google Analytics uses cookies which are laid down in the user’s computer to enable statistics analysis in aggregate form concerning the use of the visited website. Such function is carried out anonymously, your IP address (e.g.:, which identifies your navigation device, is hidden under the last three digits (e.g.: 92.52.252.XXX).
The data generated by Google Analytics are stored by Google as indicated in the information under the following link:
To consult the privacy policy of the company Google Inc., independent data controller of the data related to Google Analytics service, please check the following website:
At the following link, Google makes available the browser additional component to disable Google Analytics.
Google Maps
The website uses Google Maps to show interactive maps to the user, as in the contact page. This service provides for cookie installation from Google, to collect information regarding the number of users who watch the map and the duration of the visualization. Information about the language and the zoom level of the map are saved in the browser.
More information about Google Inc. privacy policy at the following link:
Button and social network widgets
The social buttons are particular “buttons” in the website which show the icons of the social networks (e.g.: Facebook and Linkedin) and allow the browsing users to directly interact with the social platforms with a click.
The social buttons used by the website are links to the data controller’s accounts in the showed social networks. By clicking the buttons, cookies from third parties will not be installed. However, the user can examine the privacy policies of the single social networks related to data processing at the following links:
Data processing method
The data controller processes user’s personal data by adopting the appropriate security measures to prevent non-authorized access, disclosure, modification or destruction of personal data.
Collected data will not be transmitted or disclosed to third parties prior express consent from the subject, except for eventual requests from competent authorities, as established by the law.
Data processing is carried out through IT and/or telecommunication tools, with organisational procedures and logics that are strictly related to the above mentioned purposes.
Beyond data controller, in some cases, some appointed representatives, involved in the arrangement of the website (accounting, sales, marketing, legal personnel and system administrators) or external subjects (as suppliers of third technical services, couriers, hosting providers, IT companies, communication agencies) can access the data and can be also appointed, if necessary, as responsible of the processing procedure by the data controller. The updated list of the people in charge can any time be required to the data controller.
The data are processed at the headquarters of the data controller and in any other place where the involved parties are located. For further information, please contact the data controller.
Data storage
The personal data provided by the user will be processed for the time necessary to the service required by the user or by the purposes described in this document and stored to carry out the established service and not exceeding the prescribed time limit.
The storage could occur by:
– Recording the data in the hardware systems of the data controller or his appointed representatives;
– Archiving according to the Digital Administration Code; in this case, the data controller can only turn to appointed subjects according to art. 29 DAC, in case such activity is not carried out on our
application systems. The user can any time request the interruption of the data processing or the cancellation of the data.
For any question regarding data processing, please turn to our society, as data controller, headquartered in Via Per il Poggio Secco 46/E, 59100 Prato (PO), mail:

The content of the website including all information, data, communications, editorial content, softwares, photos, logos and diagrams, and in general any material or service contained therein, is property of Stiavelli Irio srl and is protected by Italian and International copyright laws.
Entire or partial reproduction of textual or graphic contents in any form and on any media without prior written permission, or other unauthorized uses, are forbidden. All the trademarks of their respective companies, are property of their respective owners.

This website and data contained therein can be consulted for personal use only.
The information material can be used, printed and saved in a data storage of the user only to his own benefit; publication or transmission through any telematic media is forbidden.

Stiavelli Irio s.r.l.  –  Headquarters: Via Pantano 50013 Capalle (Fi) Italia – Registered Office:  Via per il Poggio Secco 46/E 59100 Prato – P. iva e C.F.: 01993990975 – Nr.REA: PO 490121 – Capitale sociale i.v.: Euro 100.000,00

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